torsdag 20. november 2008

Revolusjon i læring?

"A revolution is occurring in education. This revolution is being fuelled in part by new media, globalisation, local diversity and learners with new kinds of sensibilities, who increasingly expect to be agents in their own learning rather than passive objects absorbing formal content. These forces portend a fundamental change in the human relations of learning and the institutions in which they have been traditionally located" (

"The Learning by Design approach does not attempt to prescribe a pedagogical formula, and least of all a rigidly defined framework for documenting learning. Rather, its aim is to clarify the shape and form of pedagogy, its various knowledge processes and movements from one knowledge process to another, whatever that pedagogy may be".

Begrepsbruk? Sjekk denne linken: her finner du et negativt syn på didaktikk-begrepet, men de snakker likevel faktisk om hva og hvorfor i undervisning likevel... under navnet pedagogikk og learning by design:

"What? Learning by Design is a series of related concepts which together form a theory of teaching and learning. This theory encourages teachers to design learning that incorporates (1) a range of different pedagogies (Knowledge Processes), (2) a variety of different modes or modalities (Multimodalities), and which foregrounds and addresses (3) the lifeworld differences (Diversity) of students.
Why? Learning by Design is the result of several decades of observation, thought, discussion, experimentation and research. The adoption and application of Learning by Design, the concepts and theory through which it is enacted, and the pedagogical framework which scaffolds and supports teachers as they design and teach, provides for learning which is deep and intellectually rigorous. Learning by Design means teaching by design – deliberate, thoughtful teaching which links purpose with pedagogy (how) and outcomes.
How? The design of this handbook and professional tool-kit is based on three years research with one hundred teachers in ten Australian schools. It has been designed to help you get started with Learning by Design and to scaffold your professional learning. The various tools have been developed to support you in your planning, designing, practicing, reflecting and discussing. It will take time and effort to fully develop your skills as a teacher-designer however this kit will help you to understand and apply the principles of Learning by Design."

Dette er virkelig gode nettsider som forklarer bakgrunnen bak Design for læring - særlig i forhold til at lærere selv må forme sin egne undervisning.

Også Universitetet i Oslo driver med Design for læring, se f.eks InterMedia :

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